
Long Term InvestingInvesting

Experts’ Guide to Long-Term Investment Strategies

What are the key advantages of long-term investing compared to short-term investing? Consistency is the key advantage of having a long-term perspective when it comes to investing. To me, short-term investing is speculative market timing. Very few individuals successfully try to time markets (stock values and interest rates). Why expend resources on timing markets? Just take a long-term view. Compare…
David A. Dubofsky
August 26, 2024

Expert Insight on Saving and Investing During a Recession

What advice would you give people to manage their money during a recession? The best investing advice I can give is to ignore current economic conditions when making investment decisions. You should have a target asset allocation strategy (mostly stocks and fixed-income) that you follow, regardless of the economy. If your actual stock or fixed-income allocation differs from your target…
David A. Dubofsky
August 19, 2024

Should I Buy Cryptocurrency?

Analysis And Portfolio Approach Cryptocurrency isn’t going anywhere. You can ignore it – or embrace it as part of a balanced investment portfolio. By Geoff Williams To help investors make informed decisions about how much cryptocurrency belongs in their portfolio, MoneyGeek constructed its own value-weighted cryptocurrency index and analyzed the last seven years of cryptocurrency returns. We compared these…
John Drake
May 15, 2024
An index fund is a passively managed mutual fund.Index Funds


An index fund is a passively managed mutual fund. They don’t try to find undervalued securities or actively trade in and out of stocks (or bonds, for bond index funds). They buy a portfolio of securities that replicates an index, such as the S&P500 Index. Then, they hold that portfolio, trading only when necessary (e.g., because a company was acquired…
David A. Dubofsky
February 27, 2024
Reasons for signing up for a credit unioncredit union

Expert Insight on Choosing Credit Unions

What are some reasons people should sign up for a credit union? Many credit unions will offer you a higher rate of return on your checking account, liquid savings account, term certificates of deposit, and other savings products. Savings are insured just like your savings are insured when deposited in a bank. Many credit unions will offer you a lower…
David A. Dubofsky
January 20, 2024
Your Total Wealth interview on Ask Us MarketingFinancial Planning

Ask Us Marketing

AUM Special Guest Interview - Dr. David Dubofsky - Research Based Marketing Event by Kalli Fedusenko, Financial Advisor Marketing Click here for LinkedIn Interview with Kalli Fedusenko: YouTube Interview with Kalli Fedusenko
HSF Publishing
January 10, 2024
Achieving Your Total Wealth is a journey that begins with WHY, not WHAT and HOWYour Total Wealth

Great Review – Your Total Wealth!

"Achieving Your Total Wealth is a journey that begins with WHY, not WHAT and HOW" I love great writing and especially appreciate it when authors write in a style that might break a few rules to deliver complex information clearly. Dr. Sussman and Dr. Dubofsky have done that masterfully. This isn't the usual finance book, likely because it's written by…
HSF Publishing
December 18, 2023
Financial Advisor with Elderly ClientsFinancial PlanningRetirement

Voices The art of asking: How the right questions, worded precisely, can help older clients

By Lyle Sussman, David Dubofsky November 30, 2023, 6:00 a.m. EST 3 Min Read Loss aversion, one of the major behavioral finance biases, is often defined as the pain of losing an amount of money exceeding the pleasure of gaining that same amount of money. It also refers to the reluctance of investors, and individuals in general, to realize losses,…
HSF Publishing
December 3, 2023
Sweat EquityMortgage


Anyone who made a final mortgage payment for their house now owns an asset that is probably worth more than it was when the first mortgage check was written. But that homeowner owns much more than a physical asset. They not only built equity they also built self-esteem. Our latest #yourtotalwealth BLOG discusses the psychology of paying off a mortgage,…
HSF Publishing
November 17, 2023

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Your Total Wealth is the ideal read. It is the most unique and accessible financial advice resource I’ve ever seen and goes well beyond how to make money - Kiplinger
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