David Dubofsky and I are excited about the newest entry to our #yourwealth BLOG. It’s an AI-generated podcast summarizing the essence of our breakthrough YIN-YANG approach for both understanding and applying financial and life literacy. Enjoy, learn, and share.

A USEFUL PRIMER ON FIXED-INCOME INVESTING If you’re looking for a primer on fixed-income investing, you’ll find it as the latest contribution to our blog. Kudos to David Dubofsky, PhD, CFA for bringing 30 years of teaching, research and investing experience to this important topic. And because the financial security created by fixed- income investing leads to emotional security, his…

By David Dubofsky and Lyle Sussman Oct. 20, 2022 2:46 pm ET As we approach the midterms, some clients may want to revisit their portfolios based on their fears or hopes about which party will control Congress. Why? Investors’ economic views have always been influenced by politics. Americans often vote their pocketbook believing that their party’s victory will lead to…

AUM Special Guest Interview – Dr. David Dubofsky – Research Based Marketing Event by Kalli Fedusenko, Financial Advisor Marketing Click here for LinkedIn Interview with Kalli Fedusenko: YouTube Interview with Kalli Fedusenko

“Achieving Your Total Wealth is a journey that begins with WHY, not WHAT and HOW” I love great writing and especially appreciate it when authors write in a style that might break a few rules to deliver complex information clearly. Dr. Sussman and Dr. Dubofsky have done that masterfully. This isn’t the usual finance book, likely because it’s written by…

By Lyle Sussman, David Dubofsky November 30, 2023, 6:00 a.m. EST 3 Min Read Loss aversion, one of the major behavioral finance biases, is often defined as the pain of losing an amount of money exceeding the pleasure of gaining that same amount of money. It also refers to the reluctance of investors, and individuals in general, to realize losses,…

Anyone who made a final mortgage payment for their house now owns an asset that is probably worth more than it was when the first mortgage check was written. But that homeowner owns much more than a physical asset. They not only built equity they also built self-esteem. Our latest #yourtotalwealth BLOG discusses the psychology of paying off a mortgage,…

We recently posted a short primer on HEDGING and the possible financial implications created by trying to mitigate risks. We now add to our BLOG on HEDGING with a different perspective focused not on finances per se, but on the perceptions and emotions while confronting the uncertainty. Is the situation a problem or merely an inconvenience? Carefully consider your unique…

Financial advisors may have clients who have “done their homework” and are considering HEDGING their risks. When that happens both the client and advisor should discuss the potential risk inherent in any hedging strategy; hedging is a double edged sword. Our latest contribution to the #Yourtotalwealth BLOG provides a primer for this discussion on hedging. Enjoy, learn and share.

DECISION MAKING BIASES IN PERSONAL FINANCE OBJECTIVES • Reality check. Financial professionals and their clients are both constrained by their decision-making biases. • 3 Behavioral Finance biases affecting counselors and their clients: Confirmation Bias, Overconfidence, and Loss Aversion. • Strategies for mitigating the effects of these specific biases, and cognitive biases in general. Q and A. References for further…