If you (or someone you know) are having difficulty repaying a loan, consider asking for forbearance. It will likely prove to be the best gift you receive this holiday season. This is a concept that is rarely, if ever taught, in business school. Many (most) college educated individuals in finance may not be familiar with it. Enjoy, and share our discussion of…
Clients of Financial Advisors and Wealth Managers hear a lot today about the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately many of those clients, and people in general, may not know what it does and how it affects their daily personal finances. Here’s a sample of “Central Bank,” one of the key terms we explain in our book, “Your Total Wealth,” to help you…
Attending college can be exciting but also at times scary, especially when you consider that most students aren’t taught much about personal finance. Students’ fears have only been intensified recently by soaring inflation and other economic troubles, which threaten to make higher education less affordable. Many students also still have yet to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic….
David A. Dubofsky Retired Professor of Finance – University of Louisville and author of “Your Total Wealth…. The Heart and Soul of Financial Literacy” What are the key situations when going into debt is worth it? Personally, I view debt as a drug. If you use drugs irresponsibly, you will suffer the consequences. The same holds if you use debt…